Anonymous - Maitland - Magic in Sydney

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Anonymous - Maitland Races 1846

Maitland Mercury & Hunter River General Advertiser, August 15, 1846 -
THE RACES - "Mechanics of every description are hard at work in preparation for the great event. Booths are being erected, flags painted, canvas ornamented .... there will be eighteen publicans’ booths, of which six are of two stories .... a concert is, we hear to take place on the middle day. A heifer, rejoicing in the possession of five legs, is also expected to arrive, and be exposed “to the great admiration of all beholders,” on payment, of course, of the stipulated fee. There will also be some legerdemain exhibitions, perfectly legal, of course ...."

Aside from the early date of this mention, this is a minor tale. The Maitland Races took place on August 19 - 21, 1846 and the first two days were challenged by heavy downpours of rain. Despite some ironic commentary on the five-legged heifer, a detailed report of the Races fails to mention any legerdemain taking place. It might be speculated as to whether the proposed performer was
Robert Arrup, mentioned in the region of Maitland the previous year.

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