The International Brotherhood of Magicians is a world-wide organisation of thousands of magicians. 
In Sydney, the local I.B.M. group is the Maurice Rooklyn Ring 102 inc.

In Sydney, the local I.B.M. group is the Maurice Rooklyn Ring 102 inc.
We meet at:
on the Third Tuesday of each month, from around 7:00 p.m - 10:00 p.m.
Northside Chatswood Salvation Army
Cnr. Archer St & Johnson St.
Chatswood, NSW 2067
We welcome visitors who are practising magicians (as a hobby or profession) or have an active interest in joining. Most meeting nights are closed to non-magicians, but there are also nights where members' friends and families are welcome to attend. Adult membership is from age 18.
President: Dale Trueman
Treasurer: Peter Wood
Treasurer: Peter Wood
Secretary: Conway Restom