Musical Magic page 3 - Allied Arts
The Haunted Ground - 1851
Published by G. P. Reed & Co., 17 Tremont Row, Boston, 1851
As sung by the Fox Family.
Original poem by Felecia Dorothea Hemans 1851
The Fox Sisters were arguably originators of 'spirit manifestations', sisters Margaretta and Kathleen producing 'spirit raps' under the guidance of their older sister, Leah. They would later recant all claims to the spirit origins of the raps; but they inspired generations of magicians and fraudulent operators.
"Words by the late Mrs. Hemans; Music from the Spirit Land. "The music of this beautiful song was dictated to Mrs. Fish [Leah Fox /Fish] through the medium of the Rappings, while sitting at the Piano."

Little Wizard Polka - 1870
by E.H.Sherwood
Published 1870 by Henry S. Mackie, 82 State St, Rochester N.Y.
Music source:
Barely within the scope of this subject, the "Magic Tinkles" series also included the "Merlin Galop".
Ventriloquist Waltz - 1881
by James J. McComb
Dedicated to Harry Kennedy, songwriter and ventriloquist.
Published by Oliver Ditson & Co, Boston
Music Source:
Hip Hip Hypnotize Me - 1910
Words by Will Dillon, Music by Harry Von Tilzer.
Published 1910 by Harry Von Tilzer Publishing Co, 125 W.43rd St, N.Y.
That Hypnotizing Man - 1911
Words by Lew Brown, Music by Albert Von Tilzer
Published by The York Music Co. 1367-9 Broadway N.Y.
Music Source

Weegee Weeegee (Ouija Oujia) Tell Me Do - 1920
Words by William Jerome, Music by Harry von Tilzer
Published by Harry Von Tilzer Music Publishing Co., 1920
Music Source: Charles H. Templeton, Sr. sheet music collection.
Special Collections, Mississippi State University Libraries.
Special Collections, Mississippi State University Libraries.