Mr. James
Mr. James seems to be an example of one of the magicians performing at venues other than public theatres. There is no record of performances given by him at concerts or other events. His advertising, appearing during the months of March 1862 and August 1863, used the correct, but now archaic, term “Prestigiator”.
The Argus (Melbourne) March 5, 1862
Mr. JAMES (ILLUSIONIST and PRESTIGIATOR) most respectfully informs the inhabitants of Melbourne and its vicinity that he is now prepared to ATTEND EVENING PARTIES, schools, and institutions, with a series of new and startling experiments, same as performed at the mansions of the nobility and gentry of England, some of Houdin’s and Frickell’s best stage tricks performed in the drawing room. Private lessons given in magic for terms. All communications to be addressed to Mr. James, 97 Fitzroy-street, Collingwood.
The Argus, August 13, 1863 - MR. JAMES, ILLUSIONIST and NECROMANCER, is now open to ENGAGEMENT. Evening parties attended. 100 Wellington-street, Collingwood.