LeBerg - Magic in Sydney

Magic in Sydney

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Professor Le Berg
One of the more remarkable magicians of his time, though perhaps his greatest feat was obtaining vice-regal patronage for his performance!

The Courier (Hobart, Tasmania) October 15, 1853 -
Grand Magical Entertainment
Under the Distinguished Patronage of
Who has signified his intention of honouring the Theatre with his presence.
Having just arrived from Europe, begs to inform the gentry of Hobarton and the public  in general that he intends giving an Entertainment of Feats in Magic and Legerdemain in the course of the ensuing week, under the above distinguished patronage.
Full particulars will be announced in Monday Evening and Tuesday Morning's papers.Le Berg

The Courier (Hobart, Tasmania) October 17, 1853
(repeated on Oct.18)
Advertisement (see image) lists the following feats of magic:-
... The Aquae Vitae or the Magical Water
The Inexhaustible Bottle
The Deil of Beelzebub
The Wonderful Automaton Dwarf or Dumb Fortune Teller
The Enchanted Money
The Everlasting Portfolio
The Necromancer's Post-office
Also the Far-famed Gun Trick, which has hitherto caused such considerable excitement in England.

The Courier (Hobart, Tasmania) October 19, 1853
A person assuming to himself the style and title of Professor Le Berg, the Great Wizard of the South, made his appearance at the Victoria Theatre, which he hired for the occasion, to give a Grand Magical Entertainment, last evening. The Professor had succeeded in obtaining the patronage of His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, who, with Lady Denison and family, was present.
We deeply regret to state, under these circumstances, that some of the tricks of legerdemain, which had been announced in all the pomp and glitter of advertisement, circular and bill, and were last night attempted to be performed, were low, vulgar, and transparent in the extreme, and the feeling of disappointment entertained by the better disposed portion of the audience was more than once vented in strong manifestations of disapprobation.
Trusting that we shall "never see the like again", we recommend the professor of the berg to push his fortunes in another clime. His tricks may delight and charm the Esquimaux, but are not suited to English or Tasmanian audiences.

The Courier (Hobart, Tasmania) October 28, 1853
The Self-styled Wizard of the South visited Oatlands this week, and professed to give one of his astonishing performances at five shillings a ticket. He expected an audience of 120 people, but only five or six attended. His tricks were found to be such as boys used to perform four or five and twenty years ago, and the entertainment, even to his limited audience, proved "flat, stale, and unprofitable." He is about to try what he can do at a reduced price of admission.

Professor Le Berg then vanishes from sight, never to reappear!

Le Berg 1853 Oct 18
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